Transcending Evil: Embracing Wisdom and Goodness in Thought and Action


Evil begins with thought. It deepens with action. Thinking is the seed of evil; doing is its birth. As evil is acted out, it becomes evident. The force of justice, the strength of judgment, the multitude of punishment cannot stop evil. Thinking evil betrays the master; speaking evil disrupts the peace of a neighbor, corrupts the mind. Acting evil harms, devastates society. To replicate evil is to propagate it.


There’s no angel that doesn’t fall, no devil that doesn’t aspire.

To replicate is to mediate. Highlighting others’ evil is to advertise for evil freely. To make a blasphemous advertisement in the holy square without cost. Sometimes the devil rejoices more in those who repeat evil than in those who commit it. Sins committed in action and amplified by desire and passion are more abundant.

Being human, we think evil; not speaking is good. Being human, we talk; not doing is better. Being human, we do; not replicating is good. Replicating isn’t just about doing but also about informing. Repeating isn’t advisable.

Ignoring a problem can be an option. Replicating creates many disciples. “Don’t talk about evil again, don’t repeat” – why do we say this: the doer fears, the thinker does, the initiator has my sympathy, the fearful finds courage, the loser his echo.

To offend God by saying “God curse you” requires atonement. Detailing is sponsoring Satan. Spiritual people alone are not enough; a wider understanding is essential.


Satan’s main job is to deceive the ear. Deceiving the ear is a major political tool. It’s the great path of the wicked. From deceiving the ear, executing becomes easy. What we say people will believe, fearing disorder more than anything else.

Many bad actions will be glorified.
But what’s glorified in detail is God’s love. Today, however, we’re promoting demons as if we’re teaching. Seeking truth from the father of lies is seeking information. Preaching our arrival here saddens us.

“Our work only certifies that we hate bad things,” and I say let’s distance ourselves from evil and cultivate goodness.

Your feedback is welcomed. I’ve looked forward to a good time. πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ‘πŸ™

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