Finding Peace and Purpose: Embracing True Living Through Faith and Freedom

Living a lie exhausts you, while living truthfully brings peace with oneself. True living is believing that God exists and values your work. Freedom is the antithesis of oppressive enslavement. We mourn if we are born of a generation that fell by the hand of the oppressors who enslave the spirit, freeing ourselves from rulers who afflict the body. “From the snake pit, they have fallen into the lizard pit,” they say.

An aimless journey is a wandering. The law of the soul within you, God’s law in the scriptures, given to be demonstrated in your heart and actions. Your friendship with God grows as you seek to know Him.

Do not forget your God, who you placed above all gods. Philosophers, scientists, world leaders, weapons of war, wealth, all these are gods that have been placed above God. Do not forget the humans who have disappointed you either. To not forget means to be cautious for what comes next.

Do not attempt to make friends with people by compromising your soul. The lost society is born out of ultimate freedom. Ultimate freedom is integrity. Positive freedom, however, respects the right to speak, to live, to express opinions, to believe as one wishes, and honors God’s given differences in gender and age.

The things that have been done are the things that have started. Start, for the initiated will be completed, and do not fear the outcome. You are needed by the weak, and by the fallen man as God searches for him. When you think of God’s mother, you help with the utmost honor God has given to man.

The friendship you foster by silencing your soul’s voice is self-destruction. The true wealth beside a grave is like good-smelling food placed beside a corpse. Those who come to you by saying, “Let us rebel,” what have they done to come to you? “The country they do not tire of will be consumed,” it is said. Know that fanaticism is the most dangerous thing.

God has inscribed His word on stone tablets to teach us that God’s word endures forever. When morality fails, you are judged not just by God but also by your tempters.

The ultimate poverty is missing God. The ultimate prosperity is finding God. There is nothing left, so do not hesitate; there is no night left, so do not procrastinate. The inability to do what you can is laziness. True competition in wealth is not in accumulation but in giving. Happiness exists therein.

How much you have utilized rather than how much you have given will be your measure in the Kingdom of God. The one who does not give is a poor rich man. There are two kinds of poverty: the poverty of money and the poverty of generosity. Poverty of generosity is preferable to poverty of money.

Self-imprisonment in a heavy prison is choosing isolation. The hand that strokes or smells is to blame. The inability to hate darkness is a problem. The world means you have become a stranger in your own field and camp. Enmity with God is enmity because the idea that one hates a person because of their race does not come from that race.

The true blindness is not being unable to see the sun but being unable to see the Lord of the sun.

Let’s manifest kindness and goodness in action. I have embellished it as a reading material over yesterday’s scripture.

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